A Glass collection
from a single mold
Mold designGlassblowing
A tableware series built around a single glassblowing
mold, inspired by the details of a balcony railing
encountered on the French Riviera.
The metal mold, used for blowing glass, can be used either stacked or as separate pieces. The mold can create various objects, such as a drinking glass, bowl, jar, pitcher, and vases. Using cold glassworking techniques, the pieces can also be cut to different sizes. The result is a cohesive, playful tableware collection that charms individually and delights as a whole.
Mold making: Aaro Vehmas / Ikata metal department
The metal mold, used for blowing glass, can be used either stacked or as separate pieces. The mold can create various objects, such as a drinking glass, bowl, jar, pitcher, and vases. Using cold glassworking techniques, the pieces can also be cut to different sizes. The result is a cohesive, playful tableware collection that charms individually and delights as a whole.
Mold making: Aaro Vehmas / Ikata metal department